Welcome to the Business English Vocabulary Challenge! In this article, you'll learn 4 tricky Business English adjectives.
Today's Challenge:
Choose the correct option and listen to the sentence.
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SIMULTANEOUS /saɪ.məlˈteɪ.ni.əs/
happening at the same time
The app allows simultaneous translations.
The two events are simultaneous, so choose the one you want to attend.
INDISPENSABLE /ˌɪn.dɪˈspɛn.sə.bəl/
very important, essential
Water is indispensable for human survival.
Good communication skills are indispensable in any job.
PRELIMINARY /prɪˈlɪm.əˌner.i/
done first, as a preparation or introduction before the main event or activity
The preliminary results show the plan is working well.
This is just a preliminary meeting to discuss the basics.
AMBIGUOUS /æmˈbɪɡ.ju.əs/
unclear and confusing
The sign was ambiguous, so many people got lost.
The teacher’s instructions were ambiguous, which confused the students.
So, the correct answer is b.indispensable.
Learn more tricky adjectives here.
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