
In this article, we'll explore 10 must-know Business English adjectives that every professional should know. Let's dive in!
Step 1. Match the adjectives with the definitions.
concise | A. able to recover quickly from difficulties |
grueling | B. used about someone who takes initiative and makes things happen |
resilient | C. dishonest and misleading |
salient | D. expressing what needs to be said clearly and using only few words |
customer-oriented | E. able to quickly understand a situation and make smart decisions |
deceitful | F. behaving in the same way, having the same opinions and principles |
consistent | G. most important and noticeable |
proactive | H. paying careful attention to detail |
astute | I. very difficult and exhausting |
meticulous | J. prioritizing the needs and preferences of customers |
Check the answers at the bottom of the page.
Step 2. Listen and repeat.
Step 3. Make a sentence with one of the adjectives (or more). Leave your examples in the comments section below.
Step 4. Quiz 1 and Quiz 2.
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Step 1.
concise = D. expressing what needs to be said clearly and using only few words
grueling = I. very difficult and exhausting
resilient = A. able to recover quickly from difficulties
salient = G. most important and noticeable
customer-oriented = J. prioritizing the needs and preferences of customers
deceitful = C. dishonest and misleading
consistent = F. behaving in the same way, having the same opinions and principles
proactive = B. used about someone who takes initiative and makes things happen
astute = E. able to quickly understand a situation and make smart decisions
meticulous = H. paying careful attention to detail